Aaron L. Levine
Aaron L. Levine
New naming conventions for SST12 will resolve this.
@calewis I didn't even know we had a build target called distcheck. We don't do any testing with this. Is this still important if CMake is going to move forward?...
We need a concrete use case for this. Otherwise it will be a wont-fix.
@feldergast to look at this, it may be fixed.
@allevin to investigate if test exists and is being run?
@jjwilke do you know what version of the gcc compiler was throwing the complaints? I will try to do a warnings scrub next week.
@jjwilke @nmhamster I cannot reproduce these build warnings. I tried GCC 4.8 and GCC 6.1... The issue was submitted in 2019, and may have been cleaned up since. I recommend...
@gvoskuilen to take care of this.
@gvoskuilen Not sure if you are the one to look this over...
@feldergast to investigate