Allen Luce

Results 9 issues of Allen Luce

I have a cluster of machines handling nearly a million packets a second. I wanted to get the HTTP responses to HTTP requests that matched a regexp. Check the commit...

The Android implementation of java.beans does not include everything which gives rise to error messages like this: ``` E/TestRunner: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Ljava/beans/Introspector; at at$ConfigurationCreator.mapConfiguration( at ......

This is to support situations where a session token is being used for AWS authentication. In particular when MFA is enforced.

This is a specific fix for -- if this is extracting files that are towards the front of the archive, run time can be greatly shortened.

For when the URL's auth carries a percent sign not intended to escape: `http://first%[email protected]` Fix headers in the README. Also give grammar and spelling a once-over. The reformatting on line...

Handy for things like file reading: just set the size of the bar to the size of the file and call Incr() with the size of the chunk read in...

This is to address #11. I've added a test and also stuck in TravisCI and Coveralls coverage.

I attempted to add this test: ``` test('Sinon integration should function', function(t) { t.test('A Sinon spy should collect calls', function(st){ var snsSpy = sinon.spy(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', snsSpy); var sns =...

Multiple instances be now be given on the command line. The resulting output table contains the instance type as well. If a particular region refuses auth the process continues (instead...