Near the top of, I mention there was a change to the XeT file format. You can modify convert.bat to filter on .xet and perform a conversion of the...
I recently checked in a change to convert.bat so it enumerates .xet files in addition to dds files. Try "convert.bat c:\hubble-16k c:\hubble-16k-v2", it should convert all the files to the...
Try moving "SamplerFeedbackStreaming-main" to e.g. c:\ If that works, you may be able to guess what's wrong, and submit a pull request with a fix to the batch file.
This API is a little broken: it requires the developer to submit a number of binaries in the order of the devices in the internal, private device array. The standard...
Easiest solution: put the hubble xet files in the dds directory and re-build DdsToXet. They will be converted and placed in the target directory media folder. closing bug.
Checked in fix for source directory containing spaces resulting in failure of post-build step in DdsToXet.