A D Snook at Automattic

Results 5 issues of A D Snook at Automattic

p91TBi-5bu#comment-4704 The "Processing payment..." display can sometimes take more than 5 seconds to complete. We should consider a progress indicator or spinner. cc @Garance91540

type: enhancement
feature: mobile payments
category: design

For body fields that accept arrays, is there some secret to getting an array accepted? I tried this but it was sent as a string:


If you are testing say the [Rocket Rides app](https://github.com/stripe-samples/sample-terminal-ios-app) with an actual reader (i.e. on an actual device), you'll need to modify `web.rb` to prompt sinatra to bind the server...

This will 1) avoid a "General Bluetooth Error" that occurs with 1.0.2 if you change the `DiscoveryConfiguration` (in RRTerminalDelegate.swift) from `.bluetoothProximity` to `.bluetoothScan` and 2) allow you to then choose...

Optional Step 7 implies that testing with a real BBPOS Chipper 2X BT device is as simple as changing a boolean. It would probably be helpful to also note that...