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utilizing PointNet+ PCL for object detection, classification and pose estimation from point clouds
This repository is a sandbox for using pcl and tensorflow in computer vision (experimental code)
"Segmentation" is a pipeline that utilizes pcl to grab 3d pointclouds from a depth sensor, apply SAC segmentation to remove large flat surfaces, exctract candidate instances of predefined 3D models in segmentation/data/models from the scene via pcl euclidean cluster extraction, classify them using pointnet into predefined set of objects then estimate their poses through pcl SampleConsensusPrerejective
Packages used:
python 3.5 x64
pip install --upgrade
pip install scipy image matplotlib flask
we are also now using Microsot's cpprestsdk to send post requests to the classification server instead of the python
Running the Segmentation pipeline
1- install tensorflow v 1.0 was used [pip install tesorflow==1.1], later versions might have a problem restoring the checkpoints
2- pip install requests [needed for calling the online classifier]
3- install opencv, PCL and its dependencies [for windows useres, check out:]
4- run [the classification flask app] [feel free to change the pipelineCode in the script to change the model used <currently 2 is not available!>]
5- build and run segmentation, to switch it to a realtime set the boolean flag in the main.cpp live=true;
TODO: refine the pose estimation step and report only the yml of the highest convergence score.
Also, cleaning up and moving flags outside of the code ex: in main.cpp live=true will grab RGB and depth images from a connected OpenNI sensor instead of loading static scenes
PointNet work is being done here -> Classification, OneVsAllClassification, and pose regresssion
In /utils...
One can fibd methods to create point clouds .ply files from given RGB D images, it does the translation to origin and sets the clouds in unit bounding box which is a mandatory preprocessing step for pointnet training.
Challenge 1 notes - UPDATED:
please disable the viewers if necessary for a faster running
A pure PCL Detection pipeline:
Our pipeline under challenge_I is used to detect models in given scenes
For each model, a set of parameters are to be tuned
Given a model to detect, we use PointNet to first classify and recognize the model to load the correct set of parameters for the detection pipeline
Tips for building training sets:
1-In the main directory, util is a tool to turn the depth and rgb images we have per model into pointclouds in .ply files to be used to train PointNet
2-Using the script under pointnet/utils/ one can generate .h5 of the .ply files we have to be used for training and testing
Exercise7 notes:
Feature matching in 3D and pose estimation
After multiple tries we settled on using global hypothesis verification instead of the greedy one the implementation of greedy is left commented in both problems for validation We still need to better tune the parameters of the pipeline, however.
Exercise6 notes:
Point clouds registeration examples issues with the parameters are fixed for Ex6.2 and it perfectly aligens.
Exercise5 notes:
Acquiring pointclouds through a kinict sensor using OpenNI2
data/outcomes includes sample outcomes
Exercise4 notes:
Another dive into tensorflow, focusing on object detection in 2D images Visualization.ipynb uses a pretrained model to detect objects in images by sliding accorss the images with a dark window and computing the cross entropy between the acquired logits from the original image and the masked image with the window then coloring the original image depending on the entropy value under ssd/ is for object detection using SSD
Exercise3 notes:
A quick dive into tensorflow the training notebook now is up to date, also the prediction notebook, however is used for training and modifiedutils, is using python 2
Exercise2 notes:
2D flat objects feature matching between a template and an image, detecting features, representing them,matching and computing homography to align the template on the corresponding matched object in the image
Please note that: THRESHOLD variable is defined and used to skip further processing if the number of inlier matches is less than it, we found that using a radically different tem plate from the image in the scene results in very little matching keypoints and thus poor homography
Exercise1 notes:
Simple image reading and filters using OpenCV