
Results 8 comments of 风风x

> 希望在远程控制上支持下windows,这样可以把spug当做半个跳板机 同需求,现在还要用next-terminal跳,有点多此一举

希望增加Pageant支持 Hope to add Pageant authentication support

> no。For scanning version PDF (each page is an image), the text of each page cannot be selected, so the current annotation cannot work. If Page Note can be associated...

> I believe the reason is that hypothes.is was designed for web pages, which don't have the concept of paper pages until you print them out or convert to PDF....


I also have the same problem. At the same time, I noticed that some extensions can be left-clicked to directly add magnetic link, such as [Download Manager (for Synology)](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/nas-download-manager-for/iaijiochiiocodhamehbpmdlobhgghgi) ,...

> 感谢提醒,试用了下,和pwa比,有二个优点 1. 界面宽度可以任意,不像pwa有最小宽度限制 2. http连接打开不会有安全提示,也不会在上面留一大块空白 感觉牺牲点性能换这二点还是值得了