Allan Cornet
Allan Cornet
It could be great to have RN 0.60 Do you need help about this ?
> This indicates that the device driver is not supported by the library. I didn't update [felHR85/UsbSerial]( > I plan to make the uptade soon. > Maybe the new version...
To debug, you can try to use droidterm app on android store based on USbSerial, if you can see some frames (communication between your android device and others device) you...
"From droidterm UsbVirtualSerial Port i see: Usb device not supported: unknown device Vendor HP Inc." so, react-native-serialport can not support this device. @melihyarikkaya, your opinion ?
Please merge and package a new version.
it was forked and packaged here Could be great if you can merge it or give rights to do it ?