Houssem Medhioub
Houssem Medhioub
#1240 same topic
@ChiefAlexander any insignt from your side ? as still blocked
Same error even when migrating from `2.6.6` to `2.6.9`
still debuging and testing heavly without any success and always back to 2.6.6
@ChiefAlexander resolved by following this freshly created Suse Ticket https://www.suse.com/support/kb/doc/?id=000020788
same with version 2.6.6 any solution or tips ?
More related to Cloudflare loadbalancing GSLB Today using external-dns to configure Cloudflare dns records and the idea to have the equivalant using this project to configure Cloudflare GSLB
any updates on this fatal bug with cloudflare? Still valid with version 0.10.2