Al J Abadi
Al J Abadi
* see * see
many times users have complained that the chosen keepX is too strict. Here's an example for `tune.spca` for component 2: ``` r suppressMessages(library(mixOmics)) data(multidrug) set.seed(2341) tune.spca_res1 KeepX = 5 #>...
Using [renv]( will ensure a better and more consistent development experience.
Would be good if the plots could take a `repel=` arg with `style='ggplot2'`. Use code below as guide to what should work. See ```r data(nutrimouse) X
We should either prohibit the condition or handle it more efficiently. `stratified.subsampling` is also unnecessarily lengthy. ``` r data(liver.toxicity) X UseMethod("perf") #> ``` Created on 2021-02-16 by the [reprex package](
Hi, trying to perform this: ``` data(stemcells) res = mint.splsda(X = stemcells$gene, Y = stemcells$celltype, ncomp = 3, study = stemcells$study) background = background.predict(res, comp.predicted = 2, dist = "max.dist")...
To address #30. It is better to default on `` to avoid unnecessary excessive memory usage.
The performance of the `` model at optimum hyperparameters: ```r data(stemcells) X = stemcells$gene Y = stemcells$celltype study