Evgeniy Shumilov
Evgeniy Shumilov
Hi! I get 500 internal server error, while saving network settings. All parameters are the same as examples (, bridge name is br0. It's exists and active. OS: Debian Jessie...
Hi! I also trying to compile firmware with uhttpd and I following this instructions: https://github.com/fadushin/esp8266/tree/master/micropython/uhttpd#frozen-bytecode-recommended But at the moment link https://github.com/micropython/micropython/tree/master/esp8266 is broken and it seems, that directory structure of...
> Wow that's cool. It looks like your ESP (or whatever device you are running on) crashed. Does it crash immediately, or does it crash only when you make an...
### OrcaSlicer Versions 2.0.0, 2.1.0 Nightly builds ### OS version MX Linux 23 ### Additional system information Desktop Environment: i3wm and XFCE4 (equal symptoms) System uses old sys-v-init initialisation system...
I've found solving here: https://github.com/SoftFever/OrcaSlicer/issues/3160 For me installing of gstreamer1.0-x package solved the problem completely. I'm using MX Linux 23 ahs version (it's debian based). Hope it's also will work...
On MX Linux 23 AHS I've solved this problem by installing gstreamer1.0-x package. Maybe it can be helpfull for somebody else.
> how did you figure it out if I may ask? It's not my merit. I've found this solution in other issue: https://github.com/SoftFever/OrcaSlicer/issues/3516 > Can you confirm that @alive-corpse ?...