Abdul-Mujeeb Aliu

Results 7 comments of Abdul-Mujeeb Aliu

Because it is for android ;)

On a more serious note, I could collaborate with you in building an iOS version. Regards, Mujib.

Hi, there’s a text view that shows just that. I’ll extend the library to expose that information in later versions. But you’re welcome to help out with that and send...

Thanks @f-meloni . It ran successfully after I deleted the `push` line. I am still a bit confused. I found out about danger kotlin at Droidcon London a few weeks...

Thanks for your response @davidliu It is exactly the same error both ways. Please see the logs below: ``` java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=23; index=23 at java.lang.String.charAt(Native Method) at com.google.protobuf.MessageSchema.newSchemaForRawMessageInfo(MessageSchema.java:427) at com.google.protobuf.MessageSchema.newSchema(MessageSchema.java:221) at...

Also we suspect that the error is due to the optional field in this [message](https://github.com/livekit/protocol/blob/ec88d89da1d3f590db4205ec2bc22de3dd5bae5e/livekit_models.proto#L218C1-L232C2) (we're using GRPC kotlin). I can't find usages of optional fields anywhere else in the...

@davidliu following up.