Thanks for enumerating, it's tough! I do like napari as a vehicle for discovery of this tooling, it was my introduction to testing and deployment on github actions but I...
More ideas: Linked orthoviews 3D Slicer:
More: - [ ] Overlays of volumes and segmentations - [ ] interactive painting - [ ] simultaneous 3D vis and orthoviews for navigation/interactive painting
People working with large (really large, often 100s of GB to TB) volumetric data need - [ ] octree rendering - [ ] multiscale rendering I think there is already...
there are some files at napari/napari#6043 which generate nice example data for multiscale tiled rendering in 2D and 3D
Thanks @arose ! I'll start adding those issues with a vol* label now and add thoughts that came up in response to your comments where relevant
Love it! Thanks for the example @arose - I'll play around :)
I've run into issues with this myself and have needed to take things off the gpu just to tile which isn't ideal - I'll take a look and see what...
@Czaki I was with @adosnsantos when this came up and I think the issue is the same as The image was a timelapse in an nd2 file loaded into...
@brisvag @kevinyamauchi could you see if you can reproduce on your system?