Hi, I currently don't have any segment configuration, I'd like to remove the (e) symbol before my environment name. I tried adding the above line to a text file ~/.config/powerline...
Perfect, that makes sense, thank you for the explanation and quick reply! A small note for anyone having trouble setting up their configuration - what I was doing wrong was...
I had no idea the contrast limits slider limits could be adjusted!! So useful Glad to hear the idea isn't totally off base - and 'meta gui' is a great...
Cool I'll start from there and try to come up with a nice way of doing it all dynamically
Hi @Yuvi-416 I'm not sure what's going on with your data (it appears the different channels are arrays with different shapes?) but for compositing images of data from different channels...
afaik with white background the value of the white background gets added to the value from the visual -> it can't get any more white so you end up with...
@Yuvi-416 it looks like you just need to play with the `clim` property of your volumes to get something more similar to the napari output. +1 to David's suggestion of...
Thanks @djhoese - I'll ask around Here is a vispy only example ```Python import numpy as np import import vispy.scene from vispy.scene import Markers, Image # checkerboard image image...
@asnt thanks, this is really useful to know about!
some info, I used ```yaml walltime: '00:30:00' extra: ["--lifetime", "25m", "--lifetime-stagger", "1m"], ``` in `SLURMCluster` to avoid workers being killed at walltime