Edward Visel
Edward Visel
Hi! Saw a typo on the pkgdown, figured I'd make a quick PR, and things escalated to a bit more housekeeping-type stuff. I see there are some similar PRs already,...
Given the conversation started by [{itdepends}](https://github.com/jimhester/itdepends), would it be possible to size nodes in the visualization by package weight? One option is to pick one metric from {itdepends} or make...
Hi! Just a quick PR so Drill doesn't error out when using `lead()` or `lag()` with dbplyr SQL translation. Before this, the value for `default` (`NA` by default) would get...
In Python, [classmethods](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#classmethod) are heritable methods that can be called from the class itself `MyClass.class_method()` (not just from an instance of that class `MyClass().normal_method()`) like a staticmethod, but which also...
At the moment, because the overall orientation is either columns _or_ rows, it is currently impossible to align multiple valueboxes or gauges next to each other in column layout or...
It's been a while since the data for this package has been recompiled, and some of it does change, so it's time to rebuild and release a patch version to...
The Google Places API no longer allows keyless access, and changed from allowing 2500 free calls a day to giving each user $200 of free usage each month. Given the...
It would be nice to add [administrative division](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Administrative_division) support, including names in as many languages as possible (start with UN-official?) and codes where possible (at least ISO 3166-2), in parallel...
Currently `is_developed` and `is_independent` return character vectors: ``` r unique(passport:::countries$is_developed) #> [1] NA "Developed" "Developing" unique(passport:::countries$is_independent) #> [1] NA "Yes" #> [3] "Territory of GB" "International" #> [5] "Territory of...
Country attributes that are not strictly country names or codes (tld, currency, capital, independence and territorial status (#2), etc.) should be split out of `countries` and accessed with a more...