Alissa Troiano
Alissa Troiano
> Ooooo you are using the MYSQLHandler yes, did you use the `rockset` dependency? I am wondering if that might be better
> Being working on this on my local system. How is it going @alissatroiano It's not working yet.. something in my connection string is wrong. How about you?
> > > Ooooo you are using the MYSQLHandler > > > > yes, did you use the `rockset` dependency? I am wondering if that might be better > >...
> Hey this wasn't working or :) ? well, the unittests I just refactored and ran in the CLI are working as of now...
> > > > > Ooooo you are using the MYSQLHandler > > > > > > > > > > > > yes, did you use the `rockset` dependency?...