Alison Jenkins

Results 18 comments of Alison Jenkins

Fantastic thanks @WhoIsSethDaniel. Is it worth us putting this in the extensions area of the README for Mason to save someone else putting a duplicate issue in for this?

> Fantastic thanks @WhoIsSethDaniel. > > Is it worth us putting this in the extensions area of the README for Mason to save someone else putting a duplicate issue in...

> Need to think about how to handle short-lived neovim sessions - are there some heuristics we can use to decide to commit to a package upgrade (e.g, session has...

> However, there are some tools that will encode full paths into build artifacts (pip does this with the shebangs in the executables it creates for example). For this specific...

> However, there are some tools that will encode full paths into build artifacts (pip does this with the shebangs in the executables it creates for example). For this specific...

@WhoIsSethDaniel thanks will give these things a go later once I finish work.

Hey @nanozuki, I just discovered Tabby and on reading the readme I am confused on what tabby.nvim gives me over the standard tab support in Neovim / Vim as the...

Hey @callebstrom, Yes the dependency on jdtls is expected with the version that I implemented as the assumption at the time was that I was just trying to get jdtls...

Hey Paul, Yes I am on 0.26.0. May I ask though... how do you find the API info and debug requests to the API at current? Do you use mitmproxy...

I realised that the web interface of the UDM control panel might be using the API so used Inspector's network requests to find out the URL. For UDM the API...