Alisina Bahadori

Results 19 issues of Alisina Bahadori

Fix #13 This version will support `ecto` package versions: - `3.0[.x]` - `3.1[.x]` - `3.2[.x]`

It would be awesome if there would be a script helping installation of the following dependencies: - qrencode - imagemagick - zbar - Maybe a default font This script should...

help wanted

If zbar version is lower than `0.23.1` (Minimum required for binary QRCodes) the `` should show an error and exit with a non-zero exit-code. Possibly even showing a help message...

help wanted

Attempting to use Paperify with Termux produces the following error, unsure as how to resolve this issue. ``` convert: unable to read font `fixed' @ error/annotate.c/RenderFreetype/1398. ``` Reported by Ashley...

help wanted
good first issue

I don't know if it's a bug or not. But here is my solution to my HTTPS soap url.

Hello everyone, I've had an idea and I wanted to share it with you before working more on that to see if you like it or not. Basically this module...

Hi @mtrudel, This can be a potential temporary for issues like #260 and #294. It uses process dictionary to store the `read_state` in the HTTP1 adapter. For now it handles...

I saw the travis configuration was outdated and decided to propose an initial CI configuration fro Github Actions. Right now this only runs the tests but it can be extended...

## Motivation As per [Ethereum JSON-RPC API Specification](, the `eth_signTransaction` method should return an RLP encoded transaction payload. Anvil is just returning the signature. Also the parameters of the transaction...

Create a to support windows with ntru_elixir. Also this needs some tests to ensure building on windows has now problem (if possible)

help wanted
good first issue