Results 8 comments of Alireza Mirian

I updated my npm from `5.6.0` to `6.4.1` and the issue is fixed.

I'm a little late to the party but I think a better approach would be to infer such cases by tracing the retuned values and see if it's something static....

@grncdr That's a good point. I'm not an eslint expert but I think you are right and we only have Access to Program node corresponding to a single file. The...

We are considering rendering in the same react tree because of these issues and potential concurrency issues in react 18, but at least theoretically it seems to make sense in...

Experiencing the same issue. A similar re-production scenario sandbox: Did some digging and here is the result: When the input is focused immediately after keydown, keyup happens on the...

I can still open a small PR from to adjust the existing test case to cover this scenario. Let me know if it makes sense.

Hi, Sorry for late response. Unfortunately I wasn't able to test it on an iPhone 6+ device. I was not able to see the problem in simulator. I think I...

BTW, it is gonna be awesome if you can provide a screenshot for the latter issue.