Alina Chin
Alina Chin
@xuzheng0927 I am assigning to L directly, but I don't think I'm having that problem. I'm getting a trace of -2.91481e+07 (`L.diagonal().sum()`) for the woody mesh, so it's not all...
@nlguillemot I got the Laplacian-Beltrami working for both meshes! The key issue was two of the vectors, `d_ib` and `d_ia`, were flipped. Changes I made: line 42: ``` Point p_i,...
You could always make a Laplacian2 class to try it with, if you don't want to futz around with git checkouts and branches.
Um... does your `L_uk` also come from the permuted `(L_no_area * area * L_no_area)`?
You should double-check your algebra for the RHS. One issue is that L_uk already contains the left-multiplied Area.inv(); there's no need to do it again.