Results 10 comments of alimuradov

> this.$store.commit('auth/SET', { key: 'user', value: user }) > this.$store.commit('auth/SET', { key: 'loggedIn', value: true }) ``` methods: { async userLogin() { try { const form = new FormData(); form.append('username',...

After authorization, there is a request to update the user's data. But I get an authorization error because the request does not contain a token. The pinia repository is also...

Please tell me, is it worth waiting for a demo project with pinia?

> Are you having issues importing the `useAuth` method in the stores? There are no problems with using use Auth(). After the login() method, the token is not stored in...

![Снимок экрана от 2022-07-28 09-48-49]( ![Снимок экрана от 2022-07-28 09-49-18](

yes ![image](

Thank you for advice. Creating your own driver helped to pass authorization. But it has not been possible to sort out the storage yet, user data is not saved in...

> Спасибо. Мы это исправим. Увы, таких ошибок там достаточно, но мы работаем над классификацией. > В течении ближайших дней планируем выгрузить очередной обновление (много новых позиций и корректировка старых)...

I have the same problem. After authorization, if you press F5, authorization disappears, although I see a valid token in the storage. Here is my config auth: { scopeKey: 'user_type',...