Hello! I want to extract the static gratings stimulus that show to the mouse by brain observatory cache. I have extracted natural scene stimulus by : data_set.get_stimulus_template('natural_scenes') but I don't...
Hi! Thank you for your answer. I can extract df/f by use get_dff_traces : ts, dff = data_set.get_dff_traces() But I cann't use or data_set.get_all_events() (in Allen SDK Documentation page...
what is the differences between "BrainObservatoryCache" dataset and "VisualBehaviorOphysProjectCache" dataset ? I want to work with visual stimuli and brain cells responses. Which dataset is best to work with? What...
Hi! I want to extract "event trace" from " df/f " in an experiment in " BrainObservatoryCache " dataset. experiment id = 650512363 dataset = boc.get_ophys_experiment_data(650512363) ts, dff = data_set.get_dff_traces()...