cannot publish stream to rtmp or rtsp it does not work please check code and let me know
limit remote users join same room to 1 in the sense one to one video call cause already recording is working many to many but i want one to one...
I have sdp file generated by webrtc media server want to serve it as wowza do like rtmp://ip:port/live/file name.sdp Let me know possible way can add support to clone live dash $number$ or $time$ template please add support clone of live stream @barbibulle
do you have a plan how can we loadbalance for example i need to serve 20000 users at same time like cdn setup
please provide your contact I need a app
2021/02/21 09:57:38 Please set the GOPATH that includes the godbg project and re-
Let me know if you got time you can message on telegram @notedit my id @alienmaster9
request for live mpd calculation. so can fetch live streaming content. also implement audio timelines for number template
can you help fix this error CantUnpackException: l_info corrupted