Alick Zhao

Results 6 issues of Alick Zhao

Are our packages not signed by default? It seems to me copr does sign packages, at least for my copr. It would be better to sign all packages and enable...



#### Problem description Tried to install gensim on macOS with Python 3.11 from homebrew, but it failed due to compilation error. `pip3.11 install --upgrade gensim` runs into ``` ... copying...


飞信群发短信的功能感觉挺有用的,尤其是发通知的时候。。。不知 levin 是否有空实现这一功能?

- build dependency. coffee-script 1.6.0 is gone. Need 1.6.3 at least. Or latest 108.0.x - lib dependency: FileSaver.js needs updated. - markdown header syntax? I'm getting the same function...