
Results 30 comments of Donglearner Dear scholar, I can't download the model resnet101_faster_rcnn_final_iter_320000.caffemodel. I think **maybe this model can generate the similar features provided by the author.** So the author maybe doesn't mean the...

Thanks DaLao,Pour a bottle of coca cola for you.  ---Original--- From: "Mason Wang"

**Thanks for your timely share! Thanks again.** And I run the, with the resnet101_faster_rcnn_final_iter_320000.caffemodel that you share, and the result can be reproduced. with the same picture, COCO_train2014_000000150367.jpg. The... Dear scholar, did you run the result? I got all zero and NAN in the second picture. I am so cunfused ![image]( ![image](

your caffe environment is not installed completely

Do you share the full code ? The download can't work. @handworker did either of you find a solution to this? I'm trying to give it my own object proposals.

do you have the methods, I also want to complement the remand? if you have methods, could you tell me?

I also want to have_rpn is false, do you solve the remand? If you have methods, please help me.

Do you solve the problem, I also want to compliment the remand of the network structure. If you have methods, please help me.