Just a little tweak if you have another relationships: if (in_array($relationship, $this->_with)) { $this->load->model($options['model'], $relationship . '_model'); ``` foreach ( $this->_with as $r ) { if (strpos($r, '.')){ $parts =...
Hi kbjohnson90 , it's a good idea, I not always need the full recursion, it's why I use paths (model.relation)
Hi, I have the same problem using a self signed certificate, _OAuth2DebugURLSessionDelegate()_ not work, my code: ``` client!.sessionDelegate = OAuth2DebugURLSessionDelegate(host: "xxx.dev") client!.authorize() { authParameters, error in if let params =...
Hi @p2 , no it's the same situation, I'm also trying with custom manager but no effect. I thinks the problem is with ATS but I have no solution. I'm...
I'm using `p2.OAuth2 (3.0.1)` (Podfile.lock), my Podfile: `pod 'p2.OAuth2', '~> 3.0'`, thanks you. For more information, this is my ATS settings: ```xml NSAppTransportSecurity NSAllowsArbitraryLoads NSExceptionDomains xxx.dev
Just FYI, to use `OAuth2DebugURLSessionDelegate() ` with self-signed certificate, you need to set your ATS like this: ```xml NSAppTransportSecurity NSAllowsArbitraryLoads ``` **And only THIS**, if you specify some other keys,...
Hi, I'm also trying to compile for iOS but all I do fails, can you explain me how you do it, I'm using OS X Yosemite, thanks.