Alex Sedighi
Alex Sedighi
After upgrading Cennznet based on Plug 3.0.0, we need to evaluate if the election provider functionality which is introduced in the latest upstream can help Cennznet Staking too. If so,...
After cennznet is built with the runtime-benchmark feature (cargo build --release --features runtime-benchmarks), The following instruction `./target/release/cennznet benchmark --chain ./genesis/azalea.raw.json --steps 50 --repeat 2 --pallet crml_cennzx --extrinsic "*" --raw --execution=wasm...
Trying to upgrade the runtime for the current cennznet (client: 1.2.2, runtime: 37), I constantly get the error "Invalid Transaction: Transaction would exhaust the block limits". I'm running cennznet in...
Currently, it only returns a valid value for the accrued payout as of the call time and if `at` is given will return: "Unsupported query when block hash is given."....
'yarn build:code' fails after not finding `polkadot-dev-build-ts.js`. Under `node_modules/@polkadot/dev/scripts` the scripts are in the "*.cjs" format according to the version of polkadot/dev that is used for this project. If the...
The `greeting` hello world example to interact with L2 smart contracts is too preliminary. This PR is adding an examples which involves tuples with multiple fields of different types and...
Fix the build warnings for the develop branch.
[email protected] in prml/doughnut/Cargo.toml should be corrected to [email protected]
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