Ali Al-Khamis

Results 11 issues of Ali Al-Khamis

I am facing an issue in initializing the plugin after following the documentation. I already added the initialization code in AppDelegate.cs ` PushNotificationManager.Initialize(options, true);` But the exception is saying that...

**Error Message:** `ARKit2.0-Prototype-master/iOS12_Sampler/ios12 Sampler/AVSharingWorldMapVC.swift:225:68: Incorrect argument label in call (have 'of:from:', expected 'ofClasses:from:') ` **Error Location:** - `if let unarchived = try? NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchivedObject(of: ARWorldMap.classForKeyedArchiver()!, from: data), let worldMap = unarchived...

Is there a way to display the get current location button like google maps? There is a way to get the current location using Geolocation services but a native solution...

I need to pass a query string when connecting such as: ` new HubConnection(URL , "id=" + EmployeeID)` Can you please guide me on how to do that?

When i add text and click the button, the QR will be generated successfully. But if i click again without changing the text or even if i change the text,...

First of all, I would like to thank every person who contributed to create and maintain this great component. I have 2 questions - How can I disable deselection? -...

I wanted to add the swipe feature to navigate through month. But, I didn't find any methods to change the months programmatically. Is there a way to do this using...

I would like to have an icon in the task bar and upon click it will show a mini window next to the icon that doesn't cover the whole screen....

I am trying to enable "CriticalAlert" notifications. From Microsoft documentation, it's as simple as adding the flag: **UNAuthorizationOptions.CriticalAlert;** ```c# public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication application, NSDictionary launchOptions) { UNUserNotificationCenter center =...

Some of the components don't look good with swipe animation. A fade is more easy for the eye and more formal. Is it possible to change the animation?
