Alex Hirzel

Results 28 comments of Alex Hirzel

What is needed (other than a rebase :) ) to get this great work merged? Should the spectral texture loading be addressed?

@Speierers - thanks for the update, do you happen to have a rough ETA for the new code base release?

I removed WIP but haven't run the tests formally yet. What level of test would be expected for this change?

I think it would be very useful to have the concept of a tag query as well as the project query. This would also help my workflow.

@simonmichael and/or @linuxcaffe - do either of you know of anyone working this issue at this time? I am a daily user of the timedot format and would like to...

They're available in Gtk,

Cool, I was almost there! This yields: ``` ┌ Warning: Error in @guarded callback └ @ Main ~/.julia/packages/Gtk/X3A4U/src/base.jl:90 ERROR: MethodError: no method matching getindex(::FreeTypeAbstraction.FTFont, ::Int64) Stacktrace: [1] fontname(::FreeTypeAbstraction.FTFont) at /home/ahirzel/.julia/packages/CairoMakie/3oiBK/src/CairoMakie.jl:397...

Awesome! I wonder if there should be a utility function that passes along resize events to the scene? So that Gtk can manage the canvas size and CairoMakie can respond?...

Hey @stevengj, you're right--I shouldn't have said "to use" PyCall, I should have said to build it. Subsequent `]build`s of PyCall will still hit the `Conda.add`. I think it may...

Note, I have had to work around this by removing the `conda/deps.jl` file.