Ahmed Al Hafoudh
Ahmed Al Hafoudh
I have just researched the issue and tested it with Xcode debugger. Current status: - iOS Simulator - NOT WORKING - iOS Real device - WORKING Issue happens in Reachability...
@gaieges I tried with journald, same problem
This commit introduced the code about removing the file from "media store DB" https://github.com/fluttercommunity/flutter_downloader/commit/49332f612ac0c7ee16aa0e50e8ceae1c0941ed2c @hnvn any idea why this was necessary?
I have prepared fix here for this issue. https://github.com/alhafoudh/flutter_downloader/tree/fix-permission-denied Please test it out. I can submit this as PR afterwards.
@Sford4 were you successful connecting iOS and Android together using wifi p2p?
Well, I tried it and it was not working for me. I tinkered around it for 1 hour and I did not get it working.
Apple Documentation says: https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/qa/qa1719/_index.html
@hnvn I can, but I have questions. Do we mark all files excluded from backup? If not, we need to add column to the download tasks databse to track which...
@nylen I found a faster way: ``` const extensionsPage = await browser.newPage(); await extensionsPage.goto( 'chrome://extensions/' ); page.go_to('chrome://extensions') await extensionsPage.evaluate(` chrome.developerPrivate.getExtensionsInfo().then((extensions) => { extensions.map((extension) => chrome.developerPrivate.updateExtensionConfiguration({extensionId: extension.id, incognitoAccess: true})); }); `);...