Arnaud GENTY
Arnaud GENTY
Hi, I am creating a new project since this week The goal is to create a new agent like telegraf or node_exporter in nodejs with inputs plugins like metrics...
Hi @JulierHappy Can you give me an example ? xml ?
> solve I need to update drawio lib for new shape
I saw that, you need to enable 'Allow source', it's png icons
Ho @marcinWisniewski21 Thx for your alert If you have tried version in master, i know this issue, portability is in progress After some test, the next version will be 2...
Yo @marcinWisniewski21 Are you enable to test this version, becarfull, don't save your configuration, edit mode still buged
Hi, Thanks for your patience, I has made a pause for a new job, I try this configuration as soon as possible. BR Arnaud
Hi, Mathieu Off course, you can install your own editor server or on local like docker (it's even better if you have confidential datas) and change the url in flowchart....
maybe next time, today i am implenting the multi flow