Alfonso Bribiesca

Results 15 comments of Alfonso Bribiesca

For anyone wondering i just find the issue in my case: I have `php artisan horizon` and `php artisan queue:work` running Seems that both handle the queue so its causing...

As a good tip you can use the command `lsof path/to/db/file.index` to know which process are tryin to access to the database at the same time it will return the...

@smensel yes you can use a function to disable any date that is < 10 years see

@nmkr no for the moment but sound like a good idea ill be back to this tonight to see if I can implement it quickly btw thanks for that sponsorship...

1. Yes, will be based on tailwind but ready for any css framework (like this one) 2. React also uses composition, (actually came first there) 3. I'm moving most of...

Preview version ready, feel free to open issues or PR if you encounter any error, also consider that is a preview version and is subject to change. Docs and stable...

@KimangKhenng can yo share the fetch options method?

@KimangKhenng cannot find any issue with the method so maybe the result from your API request is not being properly formated, what do you see if you `console.log(data.items)` for example?

@scriptburn The docs from this project use nuxt, so I can confirm that the $dialog it's working in normal circumstances. Maybe you are not registering the library correctly. If you...