Ilia Sharin
Ilia Sharin
Seems internal CI issues. Error message "ERROR: Unknown command 'test_package' The command "cd ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR} && conan test_package --build=outdated" exited with 1."
Ok, thank you. Seems the following sequence is sufficient to build it: - brew install cmake - brew install boost - brew tap grpc/grpc - brew install --with-plugins grpc
I would say that most people starting work with tfm were using plain C and printf for decades. So advising to use stringstream for them - it's like jump to...
Probably it's simpler to explain use-case by example in C# where this paradigm is used extensively. Benefits - you can reuse indexed placeholders and bound values multiple times without...
Issue still active and bothering
CSRF is working regardless of warning messages. You should decorate view method that generates original host page with@ensure_csrf_cookie from django.views.decorators.csrf import ensure_csrf_cookie @ensure_csrf_cookie # This decorator is mandatory to...
CSRF is working though. Sniff traffic and ensure that CSRF tokens are flowing between client and server and Django throws an exception for AJAX requests when token is not set...
Updated error - now Boost is not found. if something needs to be installed - pre-requisites should be documented cmake .. -- The CXX compiler identification is AppleClang --...