Node 0.6.19 and sandbox 0.8.4 : Running sandbox_test and example.js it barks TimeoutError as each output. Tested in Debian 6.0.4 and latest Fedora. update: tried changing the timeout prop inside...
Using master branch of kframe animation and master of aframe and animation-timeline. ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` Nothing special is being done, animation plays once and never loops, numeric...
Tried on samsung s4 with android 4, blank screen, button to go into vr appears but nothing happens. Works with normal chrome canary but it's a given that the polyfill...
Pick individual processes or edges and disable them from the execution. This feature helps when debugging an otherwise bloated application or fiddling with several unrelated processes.
I propose a special "component" that has one input and one output and its representation is a small circle or similar, whose only purpose is to aid with manual arrangement...
When dealing with "tall" components that have many inputs or outputs, it would be useful to have a switch for listing only connected ports, otherwise we have situations like this...
I'd like to see a roadmap/goals/features list to have the project on track for contributions.
Based on Can we list the requirements for the tool ? It would be done in Qt framework and (I think) no more dependencies.
I created a new page talking about common flow control patterns/components, which are a core part of FBP. Components like Delay, Escrow, Cache, etc.