Alexy Khrabrov
Alexy Khrabrov
Looks like the deps are all old. Also API has changed in v3. Apparently OAuth is now required.
Started an exercise, hit Run, was asked to login and then dropped into homepage. I'd rather resume Run with the input given... A+
I've tried following @n8han's sketching pamflet and did not find `svg` and `d3` defined. Was ever merged? is going away in June, time to rename this to org.scala-lang or something like that...
Doesn't build out of the box as some Scala 2.8 artifacts are no longer available. Would be great to get a Scala 2.10, SBT 0.12 version!
I'd like to be able to select a line, or just place a cursor on it, in a Scala source file, and then, with a hotkey, send it to SBT...
These are built with sbt 0.7.7 and knockoff scrolled out of the intertubes. Should I update sped first, then sbt-spde, then this? spde seems to be already on xsbt, but...