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A site to track what I've been reading :books:

Results 16 issues
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Either detect them as Markdown and drop a warning, or fail the build on unrecognised file extensions.


This build should either have failed or done the right thing, but not delete the entire site:


Something I want to know is how many books I didn't finish, but this isn't counted in the HTML. A vfd subcommand to count that might be helpful.


There's a bug in the Netlify deploy process where: 1. I push and tag a new version 2. GitHub Actions creates the new release 3. Netlify tries to pull `vfd`...


If you run an out-of-date version of vfd, you get a helpful message: ``` A newer version of vfd is available, please update: ``` Unfortunately this message will also...


Precisely because it's not read by any of the rendering code, and is just for my personal records, it's in at least two places (`book.format` and `review.format`). It's a property...

code quality
data model

Currently I have to modify the scripts every time I add a new type of contributor; I should change it so it can accommodate new contributor types on a per-book...

data model

In particular the `boost` filter passed to the templates. If you over-boost, the colours get washed out to white – that's not what I want. I should look at maybe...

I don't need a big list of tags, but being able to find books by fiction/non-fiction/genre might be useful. I've got as a component for getting this data when...