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Don't break the site immediately after releasing a new version

Open alexwlchan opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments

There's a bug in the Netlify deploy process where:

  1. I push and tag a new version
  2. GitHub Actions creates the new release
  3. Netlify tries to pull vfd from that release, finds it's missing, and breaks

This is clearly suboptimal; I have to restart the build whenever this happens. For some reason Netlify interprets "build failed" as "upload an empty folder as the site", which is wrong.

alexwlchan avatar May 19 '22 22:05 alexwlchan

I've done a tentative fix for this, but because I didn't push the new tag until after the Netlify build had started, I don't know if it had the desired effect.

alexwlchan avatar May 28 '22 14:05 alexwlchan