Alex W. Baulé
Alex W. Baulé
Hello, I have a Nvidia video card, with Nvidia drivers. If i lock the desktop, when i try to unlock it, only the mouse is showed. I enabled the greeter...
Following this:
Just check if selectedServer exists in the first run
This is a fix for reading a closed connection or failed connection, that must be reconnect, but with the older implementation, don't work. Looking for "read([]byte{0})" that is used to...
TL:DR To get the description, you need to look in all lines from the leases. Currently, its read only a line following the iptables command. If the iptables return 2...
Remove from lanports hardcoded switch name, put in the config to be more generic.
Include in the how-to create a "plugin" and all depencencies to do this. The dependencies: Must have help. Explain the difference between actions and ctx.
Add verification to lease that is a "*" this is the case, when the hostname don't exist in leases file, but is there.
Using the iptmon, and trying to do a dashboard in grafana, i think that "${PREFIX}" in the iptables|ip6tables in comment , its not necessary, because the tx and rx separation...
## Summary * OS: Linux * Bug fix: yes * Type: core * Fixes: if there is no labels in fan, use the name of fan (fan1, fan2, etc) to...