Alex Van Boxel
Alex Van Boxel
**What are you trying to achieve?** With this [draft collector PR]( the PubsubReceiver will be able to handle the native translation of Google Cloud LogEntry (this is a feature provided...
Metastore should not store the protobuf native descriptors, as they are handled internally.
Both message option are symaticly the same, but the `ProtoLanguageFileWriter` is unable to write the first version out (they have a different binary representation). ``` message Message { option (package.field).version...
Currently the page iteration doesn't work. Listing resource just will dump them all.
Unused import A proto file SHOULD not import another proto file without using references.
Contract leakage - Version scope It MUST always be an error when an other version of the same package is referenced.
Contract leakage - Package scope In general messages and services should only reference messages from its own package. A lint rule should be configurable to not import other packages except...
Directory and package alignment The package name and the directory should align (example package should live in the directory foo/bar/).
Multiple fields into a new oneof May be safe if you are sure that no code sets more than one at a time. Moving any fields into an existing oneof...