Alex Ting
Alex Ting
**SQLe Version** 所有版本 **Describe the bug** SQLE使用show create table来获取表的DDL,但是show create table获取到的DDL不会包含option "IF NOT EXISTS",因而在启用了“新建表必须加入if not exists create,保证重复执行不报错”规则时,所有的表都会提示有错误信息,导致审核分数为0。 ``` MySQL [test]> create table if not exists xxx (id int); Query OK,...
**Describe** 当前在角色管理页面配置角色时,只能为角色配置如下权限: + 查看他人创建的工单 + 创建/编辑工单 + 审核/驳回工单 + 查看他人创建的审核任务 + 创建审核任务 但是拥有这些权限的用户并不能上线SQL(仍然只有admin账号可以上线SQL)。 **Suggestion** 希望可以开放上线SQL的权限,可以将上线SQL的权限授权给某个角色/用户,方便流程管理。 **Why** 上线SQL的权限不支持配置,导致只有admin用户可以上线SQL。
### Purpose of this pull request close close ### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change? no ### How was this patch tested? test with seatunnel-engine-example, belowing is...
### Search before asking - [X] I had searched in the [issues]( and found no similar issues. ### What happened found wrong timezone of timestamp data after writing data into...
### Search before asking - [X] I had searched in the [issues]( and found no similar issues. ### What happened I create a pipeline to ingest data from rabbitmq and...