Alexander Suter
Alexander Suter
As stated in the javadoc for `resolveCiFiendliesOnly` > Only resolves variables revision, sha1 and changelist. Keeps everything else. This means for me e.g.: + parent pom + child pom When...
Hi Guys I faced the same issues. So I just updated the users directly on the database. e.g.: `UPDATE users SET external_identity_provider = 'aad', external_id='[email protected]', external_login='[email protected]' WHERE login = 'user';`
Same Problem here. Can we optimize this?
Yes. Seems to work! Thank you!
Great project, love it! I really would appreciate this feature.
Could have someone a look into this :)
I checked again and it still returns always false:
My token has `repo:public_repo` permission. Still not working. Can I enable a logging to see how to request and response looks like?
Yes, this is the problem! Now I reload each repo again.. Not good, but it works for me now. Thanks for your heavy investigations!