Alexander S.ofa
Alexander S.ofa
Propose to use VFAT instead of EXT4 (because 4x smaller footprint of IPK file). Some packages (CRC, ...) are installed at this stage, which could be probably installed later on...
I tried getting started with a WR703N. First off, older versions (14 Barrier Breaker, 15) seem to be not available for download. Oldest available is around 17. This leads to...
I recommend a output feature (USB Audio device or serial). This would allow integrating this into upstream (4g, wifi, ...) observation networks easily without the need of adding those features...
This is rather an idea for a new feature which could be supported on Arduinos with Wifi (ESP32) 1) NFC card field with Wifi credentials used for connecting to Wifi...
The following board and latest platformio (first time user here) LILYGO®TTGO ESP32-Paxcounter LoRa32 V 2,1 1.6.1 Is mostly compatible with TTGO 2.1 settings. However, the wrong setting of the OLED_RST...
This error occurs when the rtl plugin is enabled (checkbox), and occurs in different situations. One is, when the frequency is changed. > See the end of this message for...
Acquisition stops after approximately 10-30 seconds. Tried on recent Samsung (A32) and Huawei device. Shows "connection issue" when app opens again. Potential workaround: Display -> Disable screen after inactivity ->...
I have tried several times to compile this in a recent (2021, 2022) Android studio version. So far no successes. ``` The specified Gradle installation directory 'C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio1\gradle\gradle-2.14.1' does...
GPS sensor data could be a very useful field.
### Describe the issue you are experiencing Version tested: 11.4 and now upgrade to 12.2 Description: Bluetooth is not discovering any devices. The hardware bridge is showing up. WIFI is...