Alex Ramiller

Results 5 issues of Alex Ramiller

Lines 196-197: Commented lines within function say that the continent argument is now named `cont`, while the function argument is still `continent_name` ``` # every time we would have written...

Line 107: Text reads `summary(gap_africa$lifeExp)` when it should read `summary(gap_europe$lifeExp)`

Lines 52-53 currently read as follows: ``` In Part 3 we used `summary()`, `table()`, and `mean()` to learn some things about our data. For example: CLEAN UP ``` Examples appear...

Lines 64-70: Possibly add that people can use the "Run" button in the top right of the notebook panel. The text could be revised to the following (additions in **bold**)....

Solution to student exercise is visible in `07_Joins_and_Aggregation` at lines 644-663