Alexander Popov
Alexander Popov
Working with v2.0.3 for Vue3 here is my quick workaround for child elements: a CSS rule: ` > div.content-container ~ div.vdr-stick { display: block; }` a separate module exporting function...
Can be solved without adding `original-fs` as a dependency for those who use Rollup. In the `rollup/plugin-commonjs` plugin options object add `ignore: ['original-fs']`
I have the same problem on build with the error **Named export ... not found. The requested module ... is a CommonJS ...** The error can appear on some package...
My variant in Vue app `npm install --save showdown @types/showdown` ``` import { Converter } from 'showdown'; const converter = new Converter(); const html = converter.makeHtml(someMarkdownContent); ```