Mike M.
Mike M.
The get_active_gainer_loser function defaults to 20 records but it can return all active tickers if you set the count high enough. > len(wb.get_active_gainer_loser('active', 9999)) 5124
From the response you posted, it doesn't look like your account has been approved. > 'status': 'unopen',
More code would be helpful to identify your issue. I just tested here and alerts are still working. ``` >>> priceRules = [{'field': 'price', 'type': 'above', 'value': '900.00', 'remark': 'above'},...
Be sure you have installed the latest via git. Pypi is not always up-to-date. ``` pip install -U git+https://github.com/tedchou12/webull.git ```
To reset via a browser, click on Paper Trading, click on the Paper Account tab on the top right, then look for the reset link in the Paper Account Details...
This may cause issues in other places. https://github.com/Significant-Gravitas/Auto-GPT/blob/7d9269e1a129b7d4baf34ee4c80e2d8d58a6b611/autogpt/json_fixes/master_json_fix_method.py#L21
How about adding a HEADLESS env variable to conditionally enable or disable headless mode?