Alex Moldovan

Results 17 comments of Alex Moldovan

Needs to be merged before a new fix version can finally solve this

I have to reopen this as I'm reverting a change in the bundler (conflict with some use cases in codesandbox)

waiting for to be merged

unfortunately no, still waiting on to be merged

it is indeed a problem with symlinks. the module bundler does not work from rollup unless modules are in the current directory `node_modules`. so if I install version 0.7, all...

Follow-up from a discussion with @vladnicula: - we are proceeding with the proposed asset definition structure at the UIDL level - this will be the representation for local and remote...

yes, like a step before the pipeline processing

Hey, I'm giving a lot of thought to this after JSHeroes. Very few speakers actually had time for Q&A and I felt that few actually wanted to go along with...

No longer required since the product merge

This still looks like a problem with the Chakra specific behavior, which forces the focus to be moved inside the Drawer. The moment you click in the editor, you can...