Alex Nixon
Alex Nixon
Under JUnit 3, almost all Borachio-enabled tests will take the form: ``` @Test // or @MediumTest and friends if using RoboGuice def someTest { withExpectations { // set expectations //...
See issue #682. I've tested this locally on my project, in Windows. With trampoline being invoked I see this warning and the corresponding breakage. With `:readline false` I do not...
I'm unable to run figwheel - any help on this would be much appreciated. I've dumped all the info I can think might be useful below. I can compile fine...
The following does not work: require 'rubygems' require 'hashery' d = d[0] = 1 d[nil] = 2 d.order_by_key =>ArgumentError: comparison of Fixnum with nil failed