Alex Myczko

Results 304 comments of Alex Myczko

Maybe it helps if you check for your system if it's packaged and can be installed natively? These links might be helpful: And the number of issues/stars on...

Currently I don't have any use for `hardware-detect`, but maybe sometime. At the moment I'm (and "my" users are) using this, which has `rload` showing me GPU information that is...

isn't libadwaita 1.2 out already? Do you plan to add more sources, besides google fonts? macOS binary release?

@ZiyangYan I was so sure you wouldn't want to install 18.04 anymore. Any reason you don't install 20.04 or even better 22.04, or even much better Debian 12?

@ZiyangYan it's basically dead (unless you buy or go for private/personal ubuntu pro). but what are those problems?

@ZiyangYan i did get that. what are they? if you're on irc, tarzeau

waiting for

It was like sub-hour, package already fixed in sid, webpage outdated, i got it from and building to test... thanks for clarifying it is a hard dependency. I usually...

At the moment nothing, I had problems building rdkit src deb pkg, but now it's built installing it from the archive (sid, amd64) and continuing trying, this is very appreciated...

here's the `cmake .` output ``` cmake . CMake Warning (dev) at CMakeLists.txt:2 (project): cmake_minimum_required() should be called prior to this top-level project() call. Please see the cmake-commands(7) manual for...