Alex Davis
Alex Davis
The url_launcher approach works for me, except the Android webview also renders the ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME error. I'd also need to interrupt loading; something like #14.
Works fine in the app we developed it for, but someone else should probably test it out. @arsduo thanks for the offer but I won't have time to maintain this...
My quick solution is to check for any closing tag first: ``` var tagClose = new RegExp('\v]*>') if (output.match(tagClose)) { tagStripper = new RegExp('', 'gmi'); output = output.replace(tagStripper, ''); }...
I don't think it's related to that issue. Here is an example of catastrophic backtracking, using the tag `meta`: The content consists of just one `meta` tag and one...
@RichardSquires this is one config that reproduces the problem (with `meta` in particular). ``` action: 'paste' keepHtml: true badTags: ['applet', 'col', 'colgroup', 'embed', 'noframes', 'noscript', 'script', 'title', 'meta', 'link', 'head']...
Yes, perhaps I have been too specific to one example. It appears to happen with any tag that doesn't have a closing element or `/`. In my regex example, the...