Alex Liniger
Alex Liniger
Stability of the problem is quite hard to establish without going for trivial solutions, such as standing still at the end of the horizon. The issue is that computing recursive...
So this is all kind of specific to the autonomous racing application, there what you would like for "stability" is the convergence to a limit cycle (the racing trajectory), and...
MPCC is special in the sense that it is a path following controller, it does not require a trajectory from a higher level controller, or can deal with a very...
i once implemented a cost on the relative yaw to the reference path, it is quite easy. If this is of interest i can try to find the code and...
As said from a code perspective it is straight forward, it is basically a quadratic loss between the yaw of the car and the **correctly** wrapped heading of the track...
Ok the heading cost is actually already implemented, I just forgot that I added it. qMu is the weight for it
In all the C++ implementations
Thanks for pointing this out, I will have a look. The only place "N+2" element is used is to generate the dynamics of the N+1 step, which is not used...
There is a very simple solution to this problem, just use `initial_guess_[std::min(i+1, N)]` as done in the dev/docker-cppad brunch. I will add the fix as soon as possible to the...
The tunning of the weights can sometimes be a bit hard, when I added braking I have also seen that it makes the problem quite a bit harder. Some questions:...