Alexis Consuegra

Results 14 comments of Alexis Consuegra

I just have the same issue Xcode 10.1. Is this plugin no longer supported?

Hi @funder7, thanks a lot. Here is the tns info output: ✔ Getting NativeScript components versions information... ⚠ Update available for component nativescript. Your current version is 6.2.0 and the...

Hi @funder7. Thanks again. I will keep in mind the tip about formatting the code. I am not familiar with Angular. I have written the app in plain Javascript. Is...

Thanks @funder7 I did it all but there is something with the webpack config. I have never seen this before. /Users/alexis/Documents/NsApps/anc/node_modules/webpack-cli/bin/cli.js:244 throw err; ^ TypeError: nsWebpack.hasRootLevelScopedModules is not a function...

Hi @funder7 . Is this plugin been maintained at all? I see lots of open issues with out a response. I noticed the marker is no longer showing also. I...

Hi, I am having the same error. Any help is appreciated.

Hi, The article did not mention the need to scaffold out any/all of the identity UI pages, did it? Can you elaborate here? But in my case this was a...

Hi Haok, The application does not start: Unhandled exception. Here is the error. System.InvalidOperationException: Found an invalid value for the 'IdentityUIFrameworkVersion'. Valid values are 'Bootstrap4', 'Bootstrap3' at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.IdentityBuilderUIExtensions.TryResolveUIFramework(Assembly assembly, UIFramework&...

Here is the project file used to build it: ` net6.0 Bootstrap4 aspnet-MyTest-x...x all runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive `

` net6.0 Bootstrap4 aspnet-MyTest-x...x all runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive `